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12 th international techno-urology meeting (tum) iv generation of 3d virtual models: towards biological digital twins and the surgical planning

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2 - linee guida - protocolli - procedure.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali:Our exploration continued as we delved into the study of organ-specific 3d virtual models derived from standard imaging. This led us into the realms of augmented reality and mixed reality surgery, with the primary objective of improving surgical planning and intraoperative guidance. We aimed to maximize surgeon awareness during procedures, taking advantage of the information provided by virtual models of real anatomy. our initial forays into the augmented reality surgery were semi-automatic, but we soon transitioned to augmented reality platforms powered by artificial intelligence, with subsequent automatic overlapping of the 3d augmented reality images.
Acquisizione competenze di processo:Taking our commitment further, last year we created an immersive platform for a virtual reality experience, in the metaverse. The surgeons had the possibility to navigate the 3d virtual models of the patients in a virtual environment, sharing the surgical planning with the moderators and the delegates even if located in different sites.
Acquisizione competenze di sistema:In this tum24 edition, we will bring the delegates, moderators and surgeons into the uro-verse, that it is more than only a virtual platform. Uro-verse is a testament to the dynamic synergy between technology and surgery, and it is set to redefine the landscape of urology for years to come. In uro-verse, the boundaries of physical geography dissolve, and this virtual realm facilitates collaborative learning, discussions, and surgical innovations.
Data:29/02/2024 - 01/03/2024
Azienda/Ente formativo:Fedra Congressi Sas
Luogo di svolgimento:Ospedale San Luigi Gonzaga
Indirizzo:Regione Gonzole, 10, 10043
Crediti assegnati:18
Durata del corso (in ore):18
Quota di partecipazione:600 €

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