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Gem (global experts' meeting) preconference course

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Descrizione del congresso
2 - linee guida - protocolli - procedure.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali:The division of neonatology and nicu of sant’anna hospital in affiliation with the “crescere insieme al sant’anna” scientific and research neonatology foundation is proud to announce the 10th edition of the “international conference on clinical neonatology”, which will be held in torino, italy from the 21 to 23 may 2022 in line with the spirit of the previous successful editions, the goal of this conference is to present the latest, updated scientific evidence on the care, treatment and follow-up of preterm neonates. Once more, the congress will be a multidisciplinary program of neonatal and perinatal research and practice, giving the opportunity to interact and share clinical and research experiences with colleagues in the neonatology community. prominent international speakers from all the fields of neonatology and pediatrics will provide comprehensive, up-to-date, research-based answers to the most frequent questions that arise at patient’s bedside in everyday practice.
Data:07/07/2023 - 08/07/2023
Azienda/Ente formativo:Biomedia Srl
Luogo di svolgimento:Centro Congressi Unione Industriale
Indirizzo:Via Fanti, 17
Crediti assegnati:3.3
Durata del corso (in ore):11
Quota di partecipazione:350 €

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